Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have a picture of my cat tiger it is not a good one but i am looking for a good picture of her.

O.K. this is tiger being a "venus fly cat" i have another picture of her on my camara but not on my computer, please comment on Tiger's picture


  1. Leah,

    The Typo Police were an organization who searched Mr. Carrison's Blog. For every 5 typo we found (min. 15 typos), we would get 1 point.

    I've been thinking lately, I might just pass it on to a 7th grader, evn if it is past the deadline.

    I'd be happy to let you in, ig you can help me find a loophole in the Typo Police Constitution.

    John Colpoys

  2. sure one prob. tess said u have to be on team D and i am on team C but i would do the typo police to just keep it going even if i don't get points because ms. chambers is my teacher. I will help find a loophole about the date and team C thing


  3. leah, ur catz cuteeee!!!!!!!

  4. I actually found a loophole today.

    Thanks for your offer, but I'm afraid if you're not on team D, you cannot be appointed to the squad. I'm sorry.

  5. well i wuz thinking either get someone on team D to join, have me I can give points to people on team D, OR get ms. Chambers to join it so it is for team D and C thats all that i could think of if it dosb;t help sorry,

  6. Your idea isn't that bad. Does Ms. Chambers have a Blog? If she does. Perhaps there can be two departments.

  7. idk could u ask her?? not tom. we have a field trip

  8. I have done some research and I do not think that she has a blog, although I may be wrong, you may consider asking her to make one!!!
